Azden, also known as Azden Microphones, is a privately owned Japanese audio company founded in 1952 and headquartered in Japan. The company specializes in the production of microphones and wireless audio systems for video production. Azden's products are known for their high quality and reliability, and the company has a strong reputation in the industry. Despite its success, Azden remains a relatively small company with less than $10 million in annual revenue as of 2023.

2023 Revenue







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Azden offers 6 products in the media tech and media and telecoms services industries. Azden's product portfolio comprises of consumer electronics and audio.
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Azden's revenues were less than $10M in 2023. Caretta Research has split Azden's revenue into 4 different product categories, the largest of which is wired condenser microphones. For full access to Azden's revenue breakdown subscribe to Caretta Portal.
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