The Central European Football League (CEFL) is a privately owned European organization of American football based in Serbia. Founded in 2006, it hosts two international competitions: the CEFL Championship and the CEFL Cup. Over the years, teams from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey have participated in the league. With a staff of 10 employees, the CEFL generates revenue through sports tickets, merchandise sales, and sponsorship deals.








Primary Segment

Spectator Sports


Privately Owned

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Central European Football League (CEFL) offers 5 products in the sports and media and telecoms services industries. Central European Football League (CEFL)'s product portfolio comprises of contact sports, streaming services and sports tickets, merchandise and sponsorship.
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Central European Football League (CEFL) sells broadcasting rights of its american football competitions globally.

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