Narrative Entertainment is a privately owned broadcast television and radio company based in the UK. Founded in 2022, the company has a headcount of 60 employees and generates less than $50 million in annual revenue. Narrative Entertainment's primary focus is on producing and distributing content for television and radio, including news, entertainment, and sports programming. The company also offers production services for third-party clients.

2022 Revenue







Primary Segment

Broadcast television and radio


Privately Owned

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Narrative Entertainment offers 4 products in the media and telecoms services industry. Narrative Entertainment's product portfolio comprises of broadcast television and radio, film and TV rights and streaming services.
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Narrative Entertainment's revenues were less than $50M in 2022. Caretta Research has split Narrative Entertainment's revenue into 3 different product categories, the largest of which is linear (thematic channel groups). For full access to Narrative Entertainment's revenue breakdown subscribe to Caretta Portal.
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