Swisscom Broadcast, a privately held company established in 2002 and based in Switzerland, operates within the Swisscom Group. With a workforce of approximately 150 employees, the company focuses on constructing, managing, and servicing specialized radio networks. Swisscom Broadcast provides broadcasting networks for the radio industry and security and professional radio networks for entities such as the police, emergency services, transportation companies, and electrical utilities. Additionally, the company offers a portfolio of 450 transmitter sites for sharing. As of 2022, Swisscom Broadcast's annual revenue is estimated to be around $100 million.

2023 Revenue







Primary Segment

Connectivity and distribution services


Privately Owned

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Swisscom Broadcast offers 3 products in the media tech industry. Swisscom Broadcast's product portfolio comprises of connectivity and distribution services and video business systems.
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Swisscom Broadcast's revenues were less than $250M in 2023. Caretta Research has split Swisscom Broadcast's revenue into 3 different product categories.
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Examples of Swisscom Broadcast's suppliers include Net Insight, nangu.TV and Nokia.

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Swisscom Broadcast currently holds broadcasting rights for sports competitions including soccer | association football.

Example Sports Rights Suppliers

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