Calix, Inc. is a publicly owned American company headquartered in the US. Founded in 1999, it provides access network technology. As of 2023, it had around 1460 employees and generated around $1B in revenue. The company focuses on frontend and user experience, offering products and services to enhance the customer experience in accessing and using networks.

2023 Revenue







Primary Segment

Broadband aggregation and home networks


Publicly Owned

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Calix offers 6 products in the media tech and telecoms tech industries. Calix's product portfolio comprises of enterprise and telecoms software, user experience and devices, broadband aggregation and home networks and carrier managed service technology.
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Calix's revenues were $1.0B in 2023. Caretta Research has split Calix's revenue into 7 different product categories, the largest of which is broadband CPE, which represents 54% of Calix's revenue.
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