ITV Studios, formerly known as Granada Studios, is a British television production and distribution company owned by ITV. Founded in 1954, it is headquartered in the United Kingdom and employs approximately 1000 people. As the production arm of ITV, ITV Studios is responsible for creating and distributing a wide range of content, including drama, comedy, entertainment, and factual programming. With annual revenues of less than $1 billion as of 2023, ITV Studios has a global reach and distributes its content to over 200 countries.

2023 Revenue







Primary Segment

Broadcast professional services


Publicly Owned



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ITV Studios offers products in the media tech industry. ITV Studios's product portfolio comprises of broadcast professional services.
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ITV Studios's revenues were $883.7M in 2023. All the revenue comes from content production services.
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ITV Studios has customers like FIA Formula One World Championship. Examples of ITV Studios's suppliers include Gravity Media, EMG (Euro Media Group) and NEP Group.

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