mm2 Entertainment is a media entertainment and content company headquartered in Singapore. It was founded in 2009 and has a staff of 120 employees. The company's main product is film and TV rights.








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News Summary:

Insiders at mm2 Asia Ltd. (SGX:1B0) were net buyers of the company's stock during the past 12 months. On October 18, 2023, mm2 Asia announced the acquisition and takeover of WE Cinemas at 321 Clementi Mall, commencing operations as Cathay Cineplexes Clementi 321 on November 1, 2023. On an unspecified date, mm2 Entertainment partnered with Studio Ghibli to provide theatrical screenings of 21 films in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, and Indonesia), with some screenings beginning later in 2023. Separately, mm2 Entertainment secured a five-year distribution partnership with Studio Ghibli, securing the rights to rerelease 21 Studio Ghibli titles across Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, and Cambodia.

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mm2 Entertainment offers products in the media and telecoms services industry. mm2 Entertainment's product portfolio comprises of film and TV rights.
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