Pixellot, founded in 2013 and headquartered in Israel, is a privately owned company that specializes in content acquisition technology for live sports. With a team of approximately 180 employees, the company offers a range of solutions, including an unmanned multi-camera system, video stitching, auto-production for highlights and replays, ad insertion, match analytics, and video editing tools for coaches. Pixellot's technology enables the production of live sports content without the need for a large crew or expensive equipment, making it a cost-effective option for sports organizations and broadcasters. As of 2023, the company's annual revenues are estimated to be less than $50 million.
On December 4, 2024, a report on the AI in media and entertainment market, covering 2018-2033, was added to ResearchAndMarkets.com. A partnership between Pixellot and PlayOn was announced, offering free access to the VidSwap coaching tools platform to approximately 10,000 NFHS Network member schools. This partnership was also reported separately. Additionally, Pixellot and CBC/Radio-Canada announced the expansion of a nationwide streaming site for youth sports in Canada, involving the deployment of 300 Pixellot cameras to increase exposure for young athletes. This initiative aims to share sporting moments nationally, including those in remote areas.
Pixellot offers 4 products in the media tech industry. Pixellot's product portfolio comprises of video data and analytics, production and post production and content acquisition.
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Pixellot's revenues were less than $50M in 2023. Caretta Research has split Pixellot's revenue into 4 different product categories, the largest of which is portable cameras (professional). For full access to Pixellot's revenue breakdown subscribe to Caretta Portal.
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Pixellot's customers primarily consist of bat sports, broadcast television and radio and soccer companies. Examples of Pixellot's customers include Globo, Major League Baseball (MLB) and FC Barcelona. Pixellot has commercial and technical partners like SuperSport, NEP Group and FloSports.